Thursday, January 10, 2019

Maintenance Of Power Presses In The UK Has Become Easier

For someone not aware of the term yet, a power press is basically the machine through which forces are applied to a die with the motive of shaping or forming some metal or non-metallic material. It is a manufacturing system combining of a die, material, press and a feeding method. Each component of this manufacturing unit is quite vital so that you can ensure their safety and make the system last longer.

A wide variety of presses are used all over the world and so getting in touch with a renowned professional offering power presses service is always a wise thing to do. An experienced professional can even share with you a few tips so that maintaining and operating the machine with safety becomes easier.

Ensure Durability Of Power Presses In The UK With A Few Maintenance And Operation Tips
  • Power Press Machine Maintenance
The easiest way to ensure that the platform is clean and devoid of any scratches is by keeping the sliding block guide column, centre column and the bottom of the die clean. The flywheel can suffer internal wear unless butter and feeder are added after the machine has run for over a month. This will have a negative impact on the machine’s performance. It will operate normally only if the cycle oil used for the machine table is replaced after every six months.
  • Taking Care Of The Die
If you don’t want to damage the punch, its upper and lower limit should never exceed when determining its height range. The minimum gap between the die and the mould should be 0.02 mm to 0.04 mm. It is the responsibility of the operator to check whether the hand wheel can pass through the mould after the die holder is ready. If you are using a manually operated system, the power presses service in the UK should be done only by professionals as the moulds can get easily damaged once the machine starts stamping.
  • Operation Of The Machine With Safety
Unless you are aware of a few tips to safely operate the power press punching machine, it might start suddenly and pose a danger for the operator. If you are operating a power press with a manual feeding process, the emergency stop button should be pressed when required to avoid any sort of serious consequences while the material is being fed in the mould. It is mandatory for the flywheel to completely stop after the die is completed.

This being said, it’s time you follow the maintenance and operating tips stated above and making your power presses last longer will become easier for you.

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